
Welcome to School Administrator Professional

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School Administrator Professional (SCADPro) is a comprehensive school administration suite from New Age Development. The suite allows school administrators and teachers to perform administrative functions with ease and flexibility. It handles back-office functionalities, including registration, record maintenance, reporting, communication, payments, and much more. It uses a secure web platform and is compatible with any modern browser.

The Families portal in School Administrator Professional (SCADPro) allows families of students to securely access their students enrollment applications and view their status during the enrollment process. Furthermore, during open enrollment, they can re-enroll existing students easily, using existing student information, or add new students. In addition, the families portal allows parents to securely pay various fees online, report absences, and order school meals for their students.

For additional information, please contact us at support@SCADPro.com or visit http://newagedev.com/scadpro/



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